A lot has happened in the last one and a half year, and I have been terrible at blogging about any of it. I don’t really know how to introduce any of this properly, so I’m just gonna dive in and share 3 main events that happened:
- I got offered a job as a service designer at a consultancy firm in the educational field in spring of last year, and have been enjoying the work very much ever since.
- I unregistered Magical Daydream from the Chamber of Commerce at the end of last year, meaning I officially pulled the plug from my small independent business.
- I am happily pregnant, like super pregnant, almost 38 weeks to be exact. So baby can be here any day now.

I kept thinking I should share these things here at some point. And as life kept happening, I just, didn’t.
Even though I am no longer pursuing Magical Daydream as an official career, my intention has been to keep my blog as a creative outlet of some sorts. Somehow it has been very quiet around here though.
At first I blamed it on the busy adjustment period that comes with a new job. There were still some creative projects though. But they ended up in folders with half-finished blogposts and unedited pictures hidden away on my computer. Somehow I could never bring myself to edit and finish them. Then, when I got pregnant, my focus became more oriented towards all the major and minor tasks connected to preparing for a new life, and my leisure time became more focused on simply getting enough rest.
So here we are. I am in my second week of my maternity leave. And I finally find myself with a bit more time and energy on hands than usual. So I thought I’d pop in to say hello. Let you know what I’ve been up to.
I find it hard to predict what you can expect around here in the coming months. The nursery make-over I have been working on? Our recent trip (baby moon) to Spain? The window-sill-bench we built last year? My creating street-art date with Joran? The sewing project I finished months ago?
Who knows. Maybe I’ll share those things. Or new creative endeavors. Or maybe I will be just busy staring at a newborn, happily in our own little bubble for a while. :)
1 Comment
November 26, 2023 at 13:20
Congrats! I was wondering about the quiet…thanka for all the inspiration a posts you have done over the years, and may this next journey be a joyous time of new adventures.