Make-over TV-shows make us believe that transformation happens in an instant. In a week you can have your entire house fixed. In a day you can be a new stylish you. In my experience change takes time. Especially if you don’t want to throw a lot of money at a perfectly matching interior and get it over with all at once, interior decoration tends to take time. You need to source the right materials for a DIY, be on the hunt for special finds, and take the time to craft unique projects that add character to your space.
In a way this post doesn’t feel like sharing anything ‘new’, because we have been living with a version of this kitchen for a very long time now. However, the video files were gathering dust on my computer. So I thought it was about time to show you some of the progress we’ve made over time to transform our kitchen.
Check out the video to see the process (including fun DIY’s and footage of several years).

I’m curious. Are there any home projects that you’re working on that seem to take forever? Just because it involves a lot of steps, life gets busy and energy fluctuates? Is there anything you have been making slow but steady progress in? Or slow and somewhat unsteady? ;)
Life isn’t a make-over show. It’s messy and imperfect. But tiny steps go a long way :)
November 26, 2021 at 13:29
We were working on our attic trying to turn it into a bedroom for 13 years! It was finally finished last year and now it looks so good
November 26, 2021 at 13:36
That must be such a satisfying feeling to have finally finished! We actually just started on our attic a few weeks back to do a little make-over and transform the space from basically storage to a home office. It’s a slow process but we’re making progress (when I say we I mean Joran mostly if I’m honest haha).