You can order anything on the Internet these days. Shoes. Wallpaper. Flowers. Music. It’s amazing.

I’ve heard about mail-order brides. But what about a mail-order husband?

Would they come with a money-back guarantee?

And be able to think outside of the box?

They say it’s technological progress. I say it’s magic.

Because how else to describe when the mailman magically shows up at my doorstep with exactly what my heart desires.

The manual seemed easy enough. Love husband. Don’t yell at him. When hangry: bring beer and make food. Get enough sleep. And have fun.
I think I got this.
Got him up and running in no time. ;)

And it’s always nice when things turn out exactly as specified.
Yep, this one is a keeper.
Mary Katherine Johnson
November 22, 2021 at 14:27
I also ordered my husband online. It was a very satisfying experience. I have kept him for 14 years next month!
Karen O'Megle
October 8, 2022 at 16:44
I absolutely love this article about Mail Order Husband’s! I need to go find one for myself.