photo trampoline-jumping3_zpsrxoqjvsf.gif

It feels weird to talk about my weekly date night at a moment where I haven’t seen Joran for a week because he’s in Romania for work. He travels quite a lot. I can’t complain really, after being gone for 3 months myself. And hey, the blog-show must go on.

As you might recall, the habit I was trying out this month:

Every week, spend at least one evening doing something fun with your partner.

Date night 1: We played some weird wooden game that I got for my birthday handed to me with the words ‘if you don’t like it you can burn it’. It turned out to be fun. I won the first game and lost the second (only because it turned out I didn’t understand the rules).
Date night 2: Trampolines!!!
Date night 3: We went to some Dutch Design Week exhibitions (where we randomly met a guy playing bagpipe) & hung out at a campfire with beer.
Date night 4: Non-existent, since my boyfriend (quite the essential asset for this new challenge) decided to be in Eastern-Europe. Rain check approved.

Anyways, instead of boring you with recollections of how I spent my days, and instead of giving you all the reasons why you should have date nights and why it is so much fun, I will just show you this:

Le movie of our trampoline date adventure.

What was one of the most fun dates you ever went on? What did you do?

1 Comment

  • Reply

    Marta Chan

    October 31, 2015 at 02:03

    Hey that trampoline idea sounded brilliantly fun and great way to exercise :)))


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