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I’m starting a monthly round-up of interesting articles, sites, talks and snippets I found on the Internet. Enjoy!

How to Avoid Work: A 1949 Guide to Doing What You Love:
“To my mind, the world would be a much pleasanter and more civilized place to live in, if everyone resolved to pursue whatever is closest to his heart’s desire. We would be more creative and our productivity would be vastly increased.”

7 Questions to ask when cleaning out your closet.

Matthew Hussey talks about the psychology of entrepreneurship.

Have you ever been scared for people who might hack your webcam and get to peak inside your home? Here is a simple and cute DIY to resolve that issue.

Olivia Fox Cabana talks about how to build your personal charisma.

Earlier this month I shared that I will be reading for half an hour daily, as part of my happy habits. Here are 30 challenges for 30 days if you want more ideas on possible habits to adopt.

Seven tips from Ernest Hemingway on how to write fiction.

10 Benefits of rising early, and how to do it.

Do you ever want to smile more at strangers and talk to people you don’t know? Here is some practical advice to get you started.

5 Drawing exercises that will turn anyone into an artist.

‘Sounds to sleep to’ is an awesome website for creating relaxing background noise. I’m considering putting it on while I’m working.

 Uncustomary is writing a book about loving yourself and celebrating life.


Image source: Death to the stock photo


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