Everyone has dreams. Some are big. Some are small. Some of them you might tell to anybody. Others are secret. One of the student teams in Denmark created a project that was all about following dreams. Their project was called ‘Box of dreams’. (In case you missed it: I taught a course in Denmark.)
They invited people to write down their dreams on post-its, encouraging people to think about their dreams and to follow them. I especially love that they didn’t keep it at that. After collecting all the different dreams, they made a huge collage to inspire anyone who walked by. Hearing about other people’s dreams makes you feel connected and inspired. I would love to randomly walk by a wall filled with big and small dreams of the people around me.
In their presentation they also included a story of the rejection they faced. They wanted to locate their box at a shopping center, but were asked to leave (one of the reasons: because their box wasn’t making the center any money!). I loved that they included this part. When you see heartwarming kindness projects, it is easy to see only the warm fuzzy part. What some people don’t realize is that it doesn’t only take courage to do these projects, but also that you will come across negative, discouraging reactions. The team didn’t let this affect their project negatively though and they searched for alternatives to continue their creative pursuits.
Watch the box of dreams video below!
In line with the Box of dreams project, I want to ask you: what is your dream?
Uncustomary Art
October 10, 2014 at 20:02
Great project! It’s so true that during missions of random acts of kindness we encounter negativity and disappointment… OFTEN. When I share projects, I try to focus on the “fuzzy” aspects because that was the intent of my mission, but sometimes I can get really discouraged and I will write an entire post about the way people can act when all I want to do is make things better. It sucks! Regardless, I love the poster they created. Your classes created some marvelous results.
Uncustomary Art.
October 15, 2014 at 00:33
True. I recognise this. But I love that you keep doing your bright projects! :)
Joyce Welch
October 12, 2014 at 00:59
I loved this. I also love the way you share creativity. You make a difference in my life every time I sit down and read your thought provoking, creativity inspiring words. Loved the video. :)
October 15, 2014 at 00:34
:D Thank you for telling me that :) I also love the video they created :)