The colours in this one are hard to transfer to a digital screen without insulting the original artwork. The first two close-up pictures communicate the depth of colour in this work better than the last two pictures do. The abstract and geometric character of this work is different from what I normally do, but I like the change to keep things fresh.
But quite honestly, I don’t feel like talking too much about it. I have been in a state of chaos for the last few days. I impulsively decided to move over the weekend (same house, bigger room). So besides finishing new paintings & preparing for the exhibition of 13/14 September and working on a week worth of teaching material for next week (I promise to tell you all about it), I am also painting walls & reorganising in between.
I don’t have time for this madness.
But hey, I have loads of extra space now. Which is worth the madness I guess.
I am hoping to update you more eloquently on my creative projects soon. But for now: sleep.
August 26, 2014 at 22:17
The shading, though. ♥ Marielle, it’s beautiful.
Annabel Helena
August 26, 2014 at 22:30
Beautiful painting! Sleep well!
August 26, 2014 at 23:51
but for now – sleep
sweet dreams hun
August 27, 2014 at 02:57
I feel you on the chaos. I’ve been busy for the past 2 weeks (and will be until December)
But it’s worth it, specially if it’s working on dreams I want to make a reality.
Speaking of dreams, sleeping helps our brains. ;)
August 29, 2014 at 23:29
wow love all the different facets of color :)
I’m in the middle of cleaning my sewing room, it so hard to go through everything, and I hope to get back into the swing of things over the long weekend
I s a b e l l e
August 30, 2014 at 17:03
I love the colors and angles.
My family is in the process of moving (new house), which has made me feel crazy at times ;). Sometimes it’s just time for sleep.
Isabelle @ Head Red & Blondi
Laury Lear
December 2, 2017 at 17:46
December 2, 2017
RE: Request for Copyright Permission, Educational Use, District-Wide
Marielle Coppes
Dear Ms. Coppes:
Anne Arundel County Public Schools would like copyright permission to use your artwork, Turquoise, gold &triangles: a new artwork!, found at, in elementary classroom instruction. The graphic would be available through the AACPS e-curriculum for teachers to use in preparing activities and materials for the classroom and for classroom instruction.
Our e- curriculum provides an instructional framework for classroom learning activities. Resources like yours enhance our curriculum and benefit our students and are made available to our faculty through our controlled, password protected Intranet site. If you do not manage the copyright on all of the above mentioned material, I would appreciate any contact information you may have regarding the proper rights holder(s). Otherwise, your permission confirms that you hold the right to grant the permission requested here. Thank you very much for considering my request. If you require any additional information, please do not hesitate to contact me. Please indicate by email, your agreement with the terms as described above.
Thank you.
Laury Lear, Ph.D.
Digital Media Teacher Specialist
Anne Arundel County Public Schools
Phone: 443-440-7737
Fax: 443-770-5181
January 16, 2018 at 12:59
I emailed you!