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I designed a Kindness Kit, which you will be able to order from my Etsy shop from today on. This Kindness Kit encourages any bright spirit with big dreams and a huge heart to bring a spark to this world (and turn you into an official member of the secret kindness club)!

You might like the idea of creative kindness, but perhaps find it hard to know where to start. After all, there are so many possibilities and so many people out there. While the carefully selected materials and clear step-by-step instructions make creative acts of kindness easy accessible for anyone, it still leaves enough creative freedom to add a personal note and make it your own. The materials support you to leave surprising kind notes for strangers and encourage small gestures of kindness.

Now, what better way to start a creative kindness themed month then by showing some kindness to you? After all, I deeply appreciate that you take the time to read my blog. It encourages me to keep creating new content and to spread happiness. So I decided to give away one Kindness Kit. In order to have a chance to win it, simply leave a comment below and tell me a few things about yourself. Please don’t be shy, because I would love to get to know you better, all of you.

Also, if you want to you are most welcome to follow my blog via any platform you wish.

The giveaway will be open until Friday. A randomly selected winner will be announced Saturday March 8th at 12.00AM (Amsterdam time). Please make sure to leave a way of contacting you.

I’m excited to hear more about you!



  • Irena

    March 2, 2014 at 13:14

    Wat een geweldig initiatief! Ik doe een gooi naar zo’n fijne kit! :)

    Wat kan ik allemaal over mezelf bedenken… Ik ben zot van breien en naaien maar ik droom ervan om een kick ass astronome/kosmologe te worden. Ik ben dol op koffie, op voorwaarde dat ze fair trade is, en met een stuk aardbeientaart kan je me altijd blijmaken!

    Ik hou van vensterbanken vol planten en briefjes van m’n vent onder mijn kopkussen. Sinds ik op mijn achtste een bezoek bracht aan een fort vol vleermuizen zijn die lieve vliegende wattenbolletjes mijn lievelingsdieren, maar mocht ik kiezen, ik zou een dinosaurus als huisdier nemen!

    Irena (

  • joyce m. welch

    March 2, 2014 at 13:24

    This is such a beautiful idea. The photos are lovely. I so appreciate all you do to make this a kinder and brighter world Marielle!

  • Laura Gordon

    March 2, 2014 at 13:35

    Hello there!
    My name is Laura , I’m a fresh 20 yr old Australian , though I moved last year to Nice, France. Just by myself I set up base camp in Nice because its a super beautiful city ! I was in Amsterdam just last month and had a fantastic time I love all the magnificent canals and bike culture . I’m actually a pastry chef which is why I chose France , they have some pretty amazing cakes over here.Nothing makes me happier then baking something super tasty and surprising some one with a sweet treat . I believe in the power of the little things , and life is defiantly sweeter when some one shows they care by free cookies . I’ve been following your blog for a few months now , the 1st post I saw was of your 1000 cranes operation and thought ” oh my gosh this is amazing ! ” and watched it twice as well as sending it to my best friend , who is a also a origami aficionado. I don’t usually type out massive messages on blogs , or really any messages at all because despite my gallons of motivation I’m pretty lazy haha , but I thought i’d take the time since your blog is one of my favorites and I’m always left in a happier mood when I read it. Thats pretty much it , I mean theres plenty more but I dont want to bore your pants off so byee.
    Looking forward to the next installment of Kindness month , have a fantastic rest of your day:)

  • Breenah

    March 2, 2014 at 14:29

    This is such a lovely thing to do!
    My name is Sabrina, but just about everywhere online I’m Breenah. I’ve been married for just over four years and we have a two year old daughter. I went to school for theatre, but didn’t pursue it after getting my Associate’s and I’m now a SAHM. The theatre experience does help me keep a calm face when my daughter decides to go bonkers in public!

  • FragileFigurine

    March 2, 2014 at 15:53

    Hi, I am a Czech girl who everybody call: Šari. I am telling about myself I am a little artist. I love art, great original ideas, handmade goods, tolerant and creative people. My favourite season is autumn. I don’t like warm weather and I love how air smells than snowing begins to fall. I am also a bookworm. I am fall in love with Mr. Darcy. From time to time I wear up Lolita-style. Maybe I am nerdy girl – I like sci-fi and fantasy and I have my little shop on facebook with my sci-fi/fantasy inspirated goods. And you are one of my favourite creative people who I don’t know yet personaly. :)

  • Carly

    March 2, 2014 at 17:16

    Oh my goodness, Marielle, it’s so cool! Everything is perfect and I especially adore the photos of the Secret Kindness Club. And I think it’s extra fabulous of you to invite people to tell you about themselves so you can learn more about them (I’m reading other peoples’ comments, too)! I’ll enter this giveaway, but if I don’t win, I’m definitely going to have to save up some money to buy a kit!

    My name is Carly and I sleep with my camera by my side, as well as my magical stuffed bear, Silkworm! The three of us make a pretty unstoppable team. I blog at Zauberbear about my and Silkworm’s adventures and our missions to make the world more interesting for everyone who inhabits it. Hmm, let’s see, what else might you not know? I own two pet rats, Hadley and Quibble; I play guitar and a little bit of ukelele, though I tragically lost my uke a year ago (sob!); oh, and I eat a gluten-free, milk-free, egg-free diet that I don’t really mention much outside of in-person relationships. :)

    So excited to see what tomorrow’s post will be for Creative Kindness Month!

  • Corina

    March 2, 2014 at 18:09

    It is nice to finally write you. So I am sharing with you two stories.
    The first one happened because of your blog. :) The second one might not completely fall into the “act of kindness” category, but I feel it is strongly connected.
    Both blogs are mine, they just have different topics, which funny enough every once in a while they get intertwined. I so love that. :)

    I love the idea of the Kindness Kit. It is so sweet and fun! I would love to win it.
    Looking forward to your next post.

  • Antje

    March 2, 2014 at 18:19

    Hey Marielle,
    that is a fantastic idea! I would love to get inspired by your kindness kit!
    I´m living with my hubby in a small village in northern germany and I´m working as a nursery nurse (I´m working with children aged one to three).
    I love to create things – I taught myself how to sew a few years ago and now I can´t live without. ;)
    A few years ago I stayed in the Netherlands for six months as an Au-Pair. I´m still in touch with this family and I still love to visit the Netherlands!
    So, these are a few things about me. :D
    Groethes van

  • Patries

    March 2, 2014 at 19:43


    Toen ik het las van je Kindness kit was ik meteen erg nieuwsgierig naar het concept.
    Zelf ben ik moeder van een stoere vent van 3 jaar en een knappe meid van 4 maanden. Daar gaat verbazend veel tijd in zitten, maar in de momentjes die heb kijk en lees ik wel eens het nieuws. Door de ellende die je dan meekrijgt is dit een verfrissend idee om de wereld weer wat leefbaarder te maken.
    Tegenwoordig probeer ik dan ook al het positieve wat ik tegen kom de wereld in te slingeren via social media.
    Verder draait mee wereld vooral om mijn twee kleintjes.
    Graag voor hen zou ik de kit aanschaffen, zodat het later misschien allemaal ietsjes mooier is.

  • March 2, 2014 at 20:50

    what a great idea, we all need kindness!
    well, I’m Giorgia, I’m almost 32, I’m Italian.
    I live with my boyfriend, we will getting marry next August, 23rd.
    I am a Radiation Technologist with a huge passion for craft: I make jewels, I make felt objects, I scrap… I scrap a lot!!
    I love to blog and to read.

    thanks for this giveaway, really a cute idea

  • Elena

    March 2, 2014 at 21:14

    Hey Marielle,

    Elena’s speking from Italy!
    28 years. Working in the Music Industry.

    What a great idea!
    Your post just remind me of the beautiful speech made by George Saunders at the Syracuse University last year.
    Do you know him?

    He said:
    “What I regret most in my life are failures of kindness.
    Those moments when another human being was there, in front of me, suffering, and I responded…sensibly. Reservedly. Mildly”.

    Here the whole speech:


  • Tiffany Rosenbower

    March 3, 2014 at 05:11

    My name is Tiffany. I am 22 years old and live in Michigan. I come from a rough background, both my parents had personal problems & weren’t able to keep jobs- my grandparents were forced to raise me as a result. When I got 18 I got engaged to my first boyfriend after only four months of dating (that probably sounds like a wild idea by today’s standards) 3 years and 7 months later we are happily & independently living together in our own apartment with our dog and two guinea pigs, and we’re actively planning our wedding for June of this year!
    One of my favorite things I like to do is blogging, it’s went from a simple pastime to a huge passion of mine. Other hobbies I have include reading, shopping, bowling, swimming, art, and scrapbooking. Things that inspire me include nature, commitment, pets, and music.
    I am incredibly old-fashioned. I don’t have a cell phone, haven’t owned any apple products, don’t know what a blackberry or nook is (and always thought blackberry was just a fruit, haha) I still write people handwritten letters, and a lot of my moral & ethical values are basically out of the 50’s. the only really modern thing I normally do is blogging and using the internet. I guess you could say I’m weird.
    I’m an extremely spiritual person. I’m always wondering about life after death, the possibility of life on other planets etc. I’m very much into New Age stuff. I’m a strong believer in reincarnation, life after death, and the existence of God & the soul.
    I’m also a very politically active Republican. I believe it’s so important to be informed & educated on what’s happening in the news. It doesn’t matter what political party you support.

  • Janice

    March 3, 2014 at 07:47

    I am a sleepy nursing student and BFF of Mary at Uncustomary. I like your ideas a lot, and I wanted to tell you so. I don’t need to win the kit (but it is definitely super cool) – I am already trying to come up with ways to do RAOKs around the hospital since that’s where I am all the time for work. I just wanted to give you mad props for putting all this goodness out into the world.! Namaste and thank you!

  • Panagiota

    March 3, 2014 at 10:37

    Hallo Mariëlle!

    I am a crazy Greek girl who moved to the Netherlands to be with the sweetest man in the world (my Dutch husband). I love anything creative and crafty. I love beatifull sunny mornings and parks full of flowers. I love working with children, inspiring them to learn and create their own world. I adore how they can discover around them hidden little miracles and invite you to see them through their eyes. I miss my work as a teacher. But for now, I enjoy: Nederlands leren, exploring this new world around me, cuddly hugs and warm chocolate evenings. I love crocheting, knitting and making new friends. My new favourite word is “l e k k e r”.!

    Thank you for your sweet kindness.
    Enjoy life,

  • bekswhoknits

    March 4, 2014 at 00:35

    I have been racking my brains for so long to come up with some kindness ideas.
    Maybe this is just what I need. All the creativity has sucked from my brain this year.
    It’s one of my goals for this year so I am going to come up with something!

    As always you are an inspiration.

  • Kim

    March 4, 2014 at 04:20

    this is a cool idea, thanks for always spreading kindness around and giving others ideas on how to do it too :)

  • Rachael Rifkin

    March 4, 2014 at 20:05

    Your Kindness Kit is gorgeous! I love random acts of kindness. :-)

    A little about me: I’m a big fan of vintage/retro stuff, history, family history and people’s life stories. I proposed to my husband a month after we met (we celebrated our 11th wedding anniversary last August) and over the phone. I was studying abroad in the Netherlands (Utrecht, to be exact) at the time. I really liked it there and miss it a lot. I felt so free and happy there. I haven’t been back since, but I plan to go eventually.

    I was there on Sept. 11, 2001, which was an interesting experience. I was in journalism class when the towers were struck and left class early to try to reach my parents. Of course, all the lines were busy. Everyone kept asking the American students if we knew anyone who had been affected by the attack (I don’t think any of us did).

  • Marta Chan

    March 4, 2014 at 21:36

    Awww would love to get something like this, always up for a challenge!
    About me:
    * I’m passionate about simple things in life
    * I’m interested in anything but after one week I get sick of it so I’m not really good doing something
    * I’ve a partner and we travel all the time together
    * My childhood was mainly on the beach
    * I’m easy going, open minded, creative
    * I dislike Winter time, only one week raining a bunch (because we need water to live) should be enough and the sun all the rest of the year.
    * I can be so lazy, staying at home all day long: eating, reading and watching movies
    * I’m very social, but I need my space sometimes
    * I only buy second hand for ages now. I’m aware of what human beings are doing to “kill” mother nature but without her we cannot live
    * I could talk about me all day long but I think it’s enough :D

  • emma

    March 5, 2014 at 09:27

    Hi Marielle,

    Thanks for your inspiration.

    I have had a rough time recently- miscarriage and recently bell’s palsy, so I can only do half a huge smile. But I teach in a school and am trying to set up my own happiness/kindness project that would run for a full year for every year entering the school.

    I try to only pay happiness forward.

    Thanks for all of your ideas and joy.

    Much love,

    Emma xxxx

  • Katrina Moran

    March 7, 2014 at 06:47

    So touched by what you are doing, that I think I will start making my own as so inspired.
    41 years old, just moved back in with my Folks, packed up and sold my life { Narrow boat, car, life} to move to USA from UK for him to e mail me and say it was all over…. O..
    So not to dwell Everything happens for a reason. Finding my feet again slowly I want to put a little bit of Love back in my Life and the World, so doing things for me. Time to find me and the quirky me.
    Life is for living and by Jolly I’m going to live it. Loving your insperation. Thank you. Xx