Creative Kindness Month has come to an end. What a month it has been! Blog-wise, it has never been this hectic. Posting every day for a month was pretty intense, especially considering my normal blogging pace. Any blogger will understand the amount of work that goes into taking pictures, editing pictures, shooting video material, editing videos, search for the right materials, write articles, brainstorm ideas and simply going out to bring all these helium filled, glitter covered, fun packed ideas into action. I loved the process though and all the happy posts that resulted from these efforts.
As you can see I made an overview of this month’s posts. This way you can easily click on an image to go to any post you might have missed or to read back your favourite ones.
Thanks to everyone who participated in the Creative Kindness Month Link-up. I loved your entries and the ways in which you chose to spread creative kindness in this world. Be sure to check out these postcard, hopscotch and gift package adventures. Today is your last chance to add your own (recent or older) creative kindness related project to the Link-up.
Anyone can be creative. Anyone can be kind. It’s never too late to change the world. So, are you bubbling with creative kindness ideas yet? Are you hyped up to go out and shine your light? Are you ready to be the best version of yourself for those around you? Then act upon it today. Don’t make resolutions, do something. Do anything. Don’t wait to feel regrets about things you wish you had done more often. My Kindness Kit is available to get you started.
I hope that you enjoyed this month of creative kindness and that it inspired you to look for creative ways of shining a bright spark into this world as well. If you know others who would also enjoy my recent endeavors, it would be awesome if you could share it with them and/or on social media.
What was your favourite post this month? Why so?
April 3, 2014 at 00:28
A great roundup what a wonderful month of kindness projects :)
I missed some, so thanks for the recap :)
April 6, 2014 at 10:20
Hey! I really loved creative kindness week and appreciate all the efford you put into it.
I like how you dare to still be childish and see and explore thinks in a bright, innocent way, even tough you’ve grown up.
I try to do that too but with all the, responsabilties that come with becomming an adult, it can be difficult sometimes. Your blog is a good reminder for me to not lose interest in al the silly, little thinks that used to make me happy.
I’d like to share this poem with you:
By: Keaton Henson
Grow up with me.
Let’s run in fields and fear the dark together.
Fall of swings, and burn special things,
and both play outside in bad weather.
Let’s eat badly.
Let’s watch adults drink wine and laugh at their idiocy.
Let’s sit in the back of the car,
making eye contact with strangers driving past,
making them uncomfortable.
Not caring.
Not swearing.
Don’t fuck.
Let’s both reclaim our superpowers;
the ones we all have and lose with our milk teeth.
The ability not to fear social awkwardness.
To panic when locked in the cellar;
still sure there’s something down there.
And while picking from pillows each feather,
let’s both stay away from the edge of the bed,
forcing us closer together.
Let’s sit in public, with ice cream all over both our faces;
sticking our tongues out at passers by.
Let’s cry.
Let’s swim.
Let’s everything.
Let’s not find it funny lest someone falls over.
Classical music is boring.
Poetry baffles us both;
there’s nothing that’s said is what’s meant.
Plays are long, tiresom, sullend, and filled;
with hours that could be spent rolling down hills,
and grazing our knees on cement.
Let’s hear stories and both lose our inocence.
Learn about parents and forgiveness,
death and morality,
kindness and art,
thus losing both of our innocent hearts,
but at least we won’t do it apart.
Grow up with me.
April 14, 2014 at 14:05
What a beautiful poem! Thank you so much for sharing. It captures a feeling of nostalgia & childhood so well doesn’t it?
April 20, 2014 at 10:58
It’s been far too long since I have visited and I love that you have taken your kindness and goodness spreading to a whole new level. This is incredibly inspiring! Wishing you all the best. Love the look of the blog too by they way. :)
April 30, 2014 at 15:54
Ahh thank you so much, it’s great to hear from you!