For those who aren’t familiar with the phenomenon: Stukafest is short for ‘Studenten Kamer Festival’ which means ‘Student Room Festival’. Basically you have a number of locations throughout the city in which a student house can host an artist for the night. Then there are three rounds of 30 minutes, in which students travel from house to house and watch different performances in groups of about 10 people. They might encounter bands that rock their socks of and poets who touch them with their words. We took part in the event (which was last week) with the Big Bug Collection (the creative collective I am part of). The students who visited us took part in a giant wall painting. We prepared cards with words of which they could choose something to paint, varying from a guitar playing astronaut to an elephant in a wheelchair to who knows what. We encouraged them to paint big and be creative. We helped where possible, yet this time people from the crowd were the main painters, not us.
It was so much fun. The room was a student house living room that had white walls with some marker quotes on it before we started. The students living there basically were open to anything silly, colorful, creative; something less boring and didn’t have any problem with random strangers doodling on their walls; which was great.
For me the best thing was seeing the fun people were having and the creative silly things they came up with. I guess many of them never experienced the freedom of just randomly starting to paint on a wall. In between rounds, we worked further on what people had already started. It wasn’t about the end result so much. It was mostly about having fun and being creative. Although honestly speaking I am happy that it wasn’t my own room, I think it was a great night, which ended with a big party with all of the students and a lot of dancing. It was good.
When was the last time you doodled on a wall?
floating thru fields
February 28, 2013 at 03:39
wow totally awesome :) that sounds like so much fun, I need to make more time to paint :)
love your spontaneous acts of art
Magical Day Dream
March 3, 2013 at 23:46
It was! And I hope more people felt that way afterwards :)
Candy Malfoy
March 2, 2013 at 09:15
nice post
Maybe we can follow each other !?
Just let me know :)
Magical Day Dream
March 3, 2013 at 23:51
You can follow my blog any time if you like to visit more regularly. As far as your blog goes: I just had a look but everything seems to be in Russian; I don’t understand a word!
March 5, 2013 at 00:02
This is a fun event! I just love that last pirate painting… lol!
P.S. I LOVED your crazy sewing machine story you shared on my blog. It was ‘sew’ funny!! ;) Let’s just hope my sewing machine doesn’t go crazy like that. lol!
Magical Day Dream
March 8, 2013 at 13:45
Me too! haha. I think it is a really nice drawing. And I bet yours will stay calm.. like sewing machines are supposed to behave ;)