I once was in a hotel and saw a beautifully carved watermelon, in which the different shades of green white and red were used to make beautiful figures. I instantly wanted to try to do that myself too. I didn’t, and forgot about it for some years. But a while back I saw similar pictures of melon carvings on the Internet. I had a Galia melon left, so decided to give it a try.
Ha! Was I in for a surprise. Nobody told me you actually need skills to do such a thing.
My result looked nothing like I had imagined. I kind of arrogantly assumed that I would make the most awesome melon art imaginable by just touching the knife. In reality the melon was overripe, my tools not sharp and most importantly it was my first try. It was like expecting to paint a Rembrandt while the actual result was comparable to a 5 year old’s first time finger painting. Oh joy.
So here is the lesson. If you are going to try new things and challenge yourself creatively you are going to fail. Not once. Not twice. Endless number of times. And that’s not a bad thing. Of course, the moment itself it can suck big time -or small time- but in essence it is just another necessary result of your growth. I make crap that I am not happy about all the time. I just don’t show every single one of my failed experiments on my blog.
Don’t be too hard on yourself. Don’t have unrealistic expectations (as a perfectionist I am guilty of this more often than I would like to be). Don’t expect to get to the result you want to without struggling.
We need to realize that most often good results take hard work and a lot of effort. Most often we don’t get to see the journey to such a result, we only see the result. If we then start comparing ourselves to others it might make us feel incompetent. Comparing ourselves to others is a bad idea in the first place, but especially so if we are selective in our comparisons. It makes us narrow minded.
So please get out there and fail big time. It’s OK. It is necessary. Desired results will only come after facing many undesired results as well. Which, in a way, makes those undesired results kind of desirable doesn’t it?
♥ Jessica
July 17, 2012 at 01:43
So true. I’m a perfectionist too, and failing the first few times is so frustrating, but the projects that take time and practice are more fulfilling than those that are easy the from the beginning.
Magical Day Dream
July 19, 2012 at 02:36
That’s true, if everything would be easy then there would be no sense of accomplishment
July 17, 2012 at 02:47
Very very true. My perfectionism has stopped me from doing things so many times in the past, but I am trying to not let that be the case anymore. Sometimes it’s hard to catch yourself and see that you’ve been avoiding things for fear of failure, but when you do and can just jump in without worry or expectation, well, that’s a real treat.
Magical Day Dream
July 19, 2012 at 02:38
good for you! I doubt we’ll ever be excellent at this, but that’s not the point is it? It is all in the trying..
July 17, 2012 at 20:13
love this article. got me thinking that one of the best ways how to get perfect at something is just ‘by the way’. not expecting much, trying out stuff, enjoying the proces and after a while one realises that, wow, they make awesome things :)
Magical Day Dream
July 19, 2012 at 02:38
definitely, sometimes you make the most awesome things when you least expect it haha
Cassie @ WittyTitleHere.com
July 17, 2012 at 23:13
This is a good reminder– something that I need to hear every once in awhile. I’m not exactly a perfectionist, but I am a giver-upper. (That’s going to be a word now.) If I fail at something once, I’m totally discouraged to try it again. But given my creative needs and ambitions, I’m going to have to get over that mindset.
Magical Day Dream
July 19, 2012 at 02:40
haha I love your word. usually I try to push myself a bit further when I don’t feel like it anymore. It does make me accomplish stuff, but sometimes the last part of it wasn’t as fun anymore as the start.. Some projects just are like that I guess
July 18, 2012 at 02:17
When I scrolled down after reading everything and saw the melon, the first thing I thought was “Oh that’s cool.” So really this wasn’t an epic failure or anything–and true, it’s not an epic success either–but it’s cool. I like it. be sure to share more if you ever create a Rembrandt in a melon ; ]
P.S.–Great lesson!
Magical Day Dream
July 19, 2012 at 02:42
haha yeah.. It is all in the expectation I guess. It can always be worse. But I will definitely share my – if ever- Rembrandt creations. For now though I don;t think I will be touching melons anytime soon ;)
Fash Boulevard
July 18, 2012 at 08:54
so true. Fabulous post, love! If you get a sec, I’d love to hear your thoughts on my latest post for LaurenConrad.com. xo
Magical Day Dream
July 19, 2012 at 02:42
I will check it out
July 19, 2012 at 02:06
I think your message about trying and failing and trying again is a great one. It’s so important sometimes to learn by getting it wrong. I remember back in school, Physics was my worst subject – but I always learned formulas and concepts faster when I’d got them wrong a few times!
And just so you know – your melon art actually looks so cool! Not a fail at all :) xxx
Island Girl Insights ♥
Magical Day Dream
July 19, 2012 at 02:43
Yes we often learn the most from learning how not to do things. That’s how we start to grasp concepts. And thanks :)
July 19, 2012 at 12:50
You are (still) awesome! Thank you.
July 19, 2012 at 18:36
WHAT that is so cool!!
July 20, 2012 at 04:58
That is so awesome! Thank you for stopping by my blog and commenting! Spiderman was not too bad, I enjoyed it! Thank you for asking. :D
July 22, 2012 at 19:10
How true this is! I always get so frustrated when I try something new, I have to remind myself that things take practice! I’ve never seen melon art before, such a cool idea!
Magical Day Dream
July 27, 2012 at 07:40
@ Elina & Allie: Thank you!
@ BRIGHTLIGHTS: I enjoyed it as well :)
@ Vic: Yes, I was thinking maybe I should try other fruits as well haha
July 27, 2012 at 21:56
you are exactly right, and life ought to be viewed this way in genera, in all areas, we will fail, we will fall short and make mistakes, but we have to persevere. You are always thinking creatively and I adore it;)