Today I have a fun little DIY for you guys. I enjoy exchanging secret or encrypted messages, especially in an age where digital communication has become the norm. Communication has become so easy, that putting a little effort in the form of messages instantly makes it more special.
As a kid I had alphabets lined out with codes for each letter and I would write letters in it with a pen pal. In high school I developed a whole secret language with my best friend that we used to write notes to each other in class or even talk in. It was called ‘Sprourkou’ and we had our own dictionary. Little anecdote: one day a teacher caught us and took our note. I am still wondering what his face looked like after reading it and seeing a piece of paper filled with apparent nonsense words that only we knew the meaning of.
Anyway, one of my more recent findings is peanut messaging. It is perfect for something small you would like to communicate. You can send it to someone or leave it on a visible place. It might be useful to somehow tell the person to open the peanut though, since first expectations might not be that there will be anything else inside but a peanut ;)
1. Take a peanut
2. Crack open one side with scissors
3. Carefully break and open up the peanut further with your hands
4. Take the actual peanuts out and write your message
5. Fold your paper message so it fits inside
6. Apply glue on one side of the peanut
7. Put the two pieces together so that the glue is divided over both halves and open them up again. Make sure there are no massive glue stains on the inside
8. Let dry for half a minute or so
9. Press the two pieces together with the message inside. If you have gone through the process successfully, you will only be able to see it has been opened before if you look very carefully.
If you enjoyed this post, you also might like my DIY on writing a secret message with invisible ink.
June 28, 2012 at 13:08
great idea! i did something very similar to this before for my boyfriend when we had to be apart for a month. i bought some cheap red vitamin capsules and emptied out each capsule. i put a small note inside and put them back on. each day he opened a capsule and read some really funny and heartfelt messages from me. he loved it! :)
Magical Day Dream
July 3, 2012 at 10:14
That’s an awesome idea! I love these little things that are so small yet so meaningful. Your boyfriend is lucky to have you ;)
June 28, 2012 at 13:51
Oh my, I love this! Such a fantastic and fun idea. As I type I’m thinking up some ways to use it. I too had a coded alphabet when I was a kid!
Magical Day Dream
July 3, 2012 at 10:16
Well I made some with positive messages inside and spread them through my neighborhood (will share later this week). Also I used them to make an appointment with a friend in stead of e-mailing or calling. Hihi, we would have been great friends as kids ;)
Style Dilettante
June 28, 2012 at 15:41
Another great DIY!!! Love your crane in a bulb too!!!
Magical Day Dream
July 3, 2012 at 10:17
Thank you! I kind of want to make another one, but I don’t have spare light bulbs at the moment..
June 29, 2012 at 00:33
Such a cute idea! I can totally see myself making like 30 of these and putting them in a bowl in my house for people to open and take–like fortune cookies, except peanut shells never go bad. Genius! Thanks a bunch for sharing this idea!
Magical Day Dream
July 3, 2012 at 10:18
That is such a great idea! You should totally do that!
Andrea Deal
July 2, 2012 at 20:51
Cute! I love secret messages!
Magical Day Dream
July 3, 2012 at 10:18
Me too!
July 3, 2012 at 03:47
adorable! see what i’m talking about!?! I’ve got to share this with my nieces and nephews and my daughter, I can see her liking this too:)
Magical Day Dream
July 3, 2012 at 10:20
Cool! It migt become the next big thing haha. Can you imagine a peanut message hype?
Melissa Wright
July 7, 2012 at 00:25
What a great idea!
January 26, 2013 at 17:41
This is amazing!! I did a similar thing with hollowed eggs! What a fantastic blog you have! If you want to follow eachother, my blog is :)