Last week we spent quite some time traveling by train, going all across the country. That might seem like a lot for Dutch standards, but you should notice the Netherlands is a really small country. By car you could probably drive from the top most part to the bottom in about three, maximum four hours (by train a bit longer). When I go to visit my parents’ place during the weekends, it takes me nearly 3 hours, which can feel like eternity. However, this week time spent traveling seemed to fly by. It’s always more fun having a good friend with you :)
By the way, note the train direction in the picture: my wrap up post about a great week of friendship will be about our visit to Antwerp, Belgium.
The rest of our week: Amsterdam, Efteling & graffiti festival
Cupcake Katie
July 15, 2011 at 13:31
Thank you for your comment =) I feel a little better but not completely fixed yet =) Enjoy your weekend x
July 15, 2011 at 17:09
It would be soooo fun to travel by train! I’ve always wanted to.
Laura Wynn
July 16, 2011 at 01:16
oo! So fun! I love trains :)
Thanks for your sweet comment on mi blog! Have a happy, happy weekend!
Magical Day Dream
July 16, 2011 at 11:49
Traveling by train is so normal to me that only now it occured to me that it isn’t to everybody. I guess the frequency kinda took away the romantic image for me haha.